Enron Mail

To:chuck.ames@enron.com, f..brawner@enron.com, chris.germany@enron.com,scott.goodell@enron.com, john.hodge@enron.com, f..keavey@enron.com, brad.mckay@enron.com, jonathan.mckay@enron.com, scott.neal@enron.com, w..pereira@enron.com, vladi.pimenov@enron.com
Subject:FW: Operational Flow Order
Cc:robert.allwein@enron.com, meredith.homco@enron.com,clarissa.garcia@enron.com, michael.pritchard@enron.com, f..smith@enron.com, jesse.villarreal@enron.com, dayem.khandker@enron.com, l..kelly@enron.com, l..driscoll-ernest@enron.com, donna.greif@enron.
Bcc:robert.allwein@enron.com, meredith.homco@enron.com,clarissa.garcia@enron.com, michael.pritchard@enron.com, f..smith@enron.com, jesse.villarreal@enron.com, dayem.khandker@enron.com, l..kelly@enron.com, l..driscoll-ernest@enron.com, donna.greif@enron.
Date:Thu, 29 Nov 2001 14:48:53 -0800 (PST)


-----Original Message-----
From: CustomerNotices, WGPHOU [mailto:WGPHOU.CustomerNotices@Williams.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 9:24 AM
Subject: Operational Flow Order

November 29, 2001

To: Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation Customers
and Shippers Under All Rate Schedules

Re: Operational Flow Order

On Monday, November 26, 2001, Transco issued a System
Imbalance Notice advising of an unacceptable level of
transportation imbalances and requesting that all shippers
and customers on Transco's system (referred to herein as
"Buyers") avoid any future positive imbalance and resolve
existing positive imbalances. Transco indicated that,
absent voluntary compliance with this notice, Transco may
be required to implement the provisions of Section 52 of
the General Terms and Conditions of its FERC Gas Tariff.
On Tuesday, November 27, 2001, Transco again issued a
notice requesting that Buyers ensure that physical receipts
and physical deliveries were in balance on a daily basis
and reiterating its request that Buyers reduce any positive
imbalances immediately.

Due to the lack of effective voluntary compliance with its
previous requests to reduce transportation imbalances,
Transco continues to experience unmanageable levels of
positive transportation imbalances and all operational
tools have been exhausted. Transco can no longer tolerate
daily positive imbalances in the face of warmer-than-normal
temperatures expected for its market area.

Consequently, due to severe operational concerns and in
order to protect the integrity of Transco's system, Transco
hereby issues a system-wide Imbalance Operational Flow
Order (OFO) to all Buyers pursuant to the terms of Section
52 of the General Terms and Conditions of Transco's FERC
Gas Tariff. The OFO shall be effective as of the beginning
of the gas day on December 1, 2001 and shall continue until
further notice. All Buyers shall be required to ensure
that positive imbalances (i.e. receipts into Transco's
system in excess of deliveries from Transco's system) be
limited to 5% on a daily basis. Any daily imbalance in
excess of 5% and 1,000 dts shall constitute an unauthorized
OFO Imbalance and shall be subject to penalties pursuant to
Section 52.5 of the General Terms and Conditions. Such
penalties will be based upon the aggregate daily imbalance
per rate schedule for each Buyer.

Buyers that have a negative imbalance (i.e. receipts into
Transco's system less than deliveries from Transco's
system) will not be subject to the provisions of this OFO.

If you have any questions, please contact Terry C. Fitch at
(713)215-3361 or John E. McGrath at (713)215-2514.

Ronald C. Doyle
Gas Management and Control