Enron Mail

Subject:Grays Harbor RT Duties
Date:Wed, 28 Mar 2001 09:15:00 -0800 (PST)


This morning we had a meeting with BPA regarding Grays Harbor Paper in an
attempt to clarify exactly what we need to do in order to make the deal run
smoothly. BPA informed us that a phone call is REQUIRED at the end of each
hour to inform their numbers desk (306-418-2277 and reference account #
16211) of the actual generation output of the unit. BPA has the expected
output in their system based on preschedules or RT sales and then enters the
actual output in order to determine if BPA has met their reserve requirements
by comparing the two (for the entire control area). If we do not call the
actuals in, they assume that the unit's output is zero and we get billed for
being short those MWh's.

When you call the BPA Number's Desk, you need to give them the total output
of the plant. They are required to give the first MW to load and the next
four to us for marketing. However, BPA wants to know the TOTAL OUTPUT of the
unit, which would be 5. They would like the numbers within the first 5 to
10 minutes of every hour.

This is very important and cannot be overlooked. Let me know if you have any
ideas about how to remind everyone to make the call. Do we need an alarm at
5 minutes after every hour?

We also discussed procedure when the unit trips. We have to call the BPA
Generation Desk within 5 minutes of the unit tripping. We are going to
emphasise the importance of Grays Harbor calling us immediately so that we
may notify BPA within the required 5 minutes. Once again, if we fail to do
this we will be fined according to their tariff.


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Les can also be a helpful
resource on this.
