Enron Mail

Subject:Kindergarten field trip
Date:Thu, 11 Oct 2001 20:22:50 -0700 (PDT)

We are still looking for a couple of parents to attend the Blue Barn field trip on Tuesday, October 16. The field trip will take up the entire school day - from 8:00 a.m. until carpool time. Because we had late notice about this field trip, some of the parents who originally signed up to go cannot attend. It is my understanding that parents drive their own cars, while students take school busses. I have been told that Blue Barn is approximately 1 hour away from the school.

If there is any way that you or your spouse can attend, please email me at schick1@earthlink.net or call me at 713-626-9726 as soon as possible. Thank you - have a great weekend!
Ana Schick
(Ryan's mom)
Room parent - Thuot/Munford Dalmatian class