Enron Mail

To:20participants@caiso.com, scsettlecontacts@caiso.com
Subject:CAISO Notice - Publication of Real Time Energy Information
Date:Fri, 2 Nov 2001 16:58:23 -0800 (PST)

November 2, 2001
Publication of Real Time Energy Information

ISO Market Participants
SC Settlement Contacts
Currently, although Scheduling Coordinators are charged for Real Time Energy
purchases above Market Clearing Price (MCP), including Out of Market (OOM),
they see very limited energy price information until they receive their
Preliminary Settlement Statements 38 days after the Trade Date. The
Preliminary Settlement Statement shows:
* the total dollars spent procuring imbalance energy over the MCP;
* the total MWh of deviations; and
* their own deviations.
But, the statement does not show hourly average prices above MCP or
hourly MWh purchases for above-MCP quantities. This information is a key
factor both in facilitating SCs' ability to validate their Settlement
Statements and in providing increased transparency to real time energy
On November 5, 2001, the ISO will begin publishing on OASIS,
consistent with ISO Governing Board direction, additional information about
real time energy purchases, both BEEP and OOM. We plan to publish the
following data:
* Average Incremental and Decremental volume and price calculated
using BEEP, Out of Sequence (OOS) and OOM data hourly and published the day
after Trade Day. This data will usually be available daily by 0800 to 1000,
although the initial release on November 5 to be during the afternoon.
* Average Incremental and Decremental volume and price calculated
using BEEP, OOS and OOM data by 10-minute interval published seven days
after Trade Day;
* Average hourly Ex-Post Energy price (includes inc and dec)
calculated consistent with BEEP only published the day after Trade Day; and.
* Average hourly Ex-Post Energy price (includes inc and dec)
calculated consistent with BEEP only Ex-post by interval published seven
days after Trade Day.
Initially, the ISO will publish only current data. However, we are planning
to publish historical data, as well, as time permits to validate and publish
the historical average prices.
We have posted a screen shot (with artificial data) at
<http://www.caiso.com/docs/2000/06/01/2000060109560313721.html<; showing
what the actual OASIS page will look like.
If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact
your Client Relations Account Manager.
Client Relations Communications.0715
CRCommunications@caiso.com <mailto:CRCommunications@caiso.com<