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Please respond to Ben. He will co-ordinate answers.
Thanks, Don ---------------------- Forwarded by Don Miller/HOU/ECT on 12/07/2000 09:29 PM --------------------------- nkplagens@duke-energy.com on 12/07/2000 05:57:05 PM To: don.miller@enron.com cc: ecallaway@wallerlaw.com, rmartineau@wallerlaw.com, lnettles@velaw.com, tfisher@brunini.com, jpsynnott@duke-energy.com Subject: Additional requests for Caledonia and Brownsville sites Don, I would like to requests the following additional information on the Caledonia and Brownsville sites. Caledonia Copy of SO2 allowances for 2000 and 2001. Are these allowances transferrable? SPCC plan Emergency Response Plan CEMS QA/AC Plan CEMS Certification Test Report Copy of monthly log of fuel heat content, fuel usage, & total heat input per air permit for 1999 and 2000 Copy of annual emissions reports (or similar)as required Any water supply agreements with local utilities. Copies of CEMS daily reports with all NOx, fuel, and MW values for each turbine for one operating day for the months of June, July, August, September and one winter or shoulder month. Brownsville Copy of SO2 allowances for 2000 and 2001. Are these allowances transferrable? Copies of CEMS daily reports with all NOx, fuel, and MW values for each turbine for one operating day for the months of June, July, August, September and one winter or shoulder month. Copies of well reports, logs, and drawdown reports for the 2 water wells. Copies of any permits, certifications, approvals necessary to install and operate the wells. Provide the proposed plan to further address the nois issue at the site. Explain permit efforts, if any, for "condensate" at plant.