Enron Mail

Subject:RE: New Address
Date:Mon, 10 Jan 2000 18:24:00 -0800 (PST)

Hey Dover,

You are the only one who figured out what the hell I was saying. So many
people sent back dumbass responses such as your not that fat. I thought I
was being very creative but obviously not. I was in Rio for new years and
it was a sick time. I have some digital pictures I will send you next time
I download to a floppy disk. The people in Rio were so cool and showing as
much skin as possible is the custom. I am trying to finish up my
applications while out here and I think I will be submitted by the end of
January. I hear OB actually has to go back to work! I hope he can handle
it. I visited him before Christmas and he was partying like senior year of

I still have not forgotten your wedding gift and am getting it when I am in
the Far East. Something you guys will always remember-how many slaves do
you think you need, they are real cheap.


< -----Original Message-----
< From: Benjamin Rogers [SMTP:brogers2@ect.enron.com]
< Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2000 2:26 PM
< To: CHOBY, C.
< Subject: Re: New Address
< Hey there;
< "Do you know who your "big toe" is yet? Do you swallow alot of aggression
< along
< with alot of pizzas? Well if you do, then you are going to be a lean,
< mean
< fighting machine. I finally finished all of my applications and have had
< several interviews with Columbia and Rice. Duke is in a couple of weeks.
< I'll
< probably here from NYU in the next couple of weeks. We were in St. Barts
< for
< New Years and it was awesome. We need to have a huge party when you get
< back in
< the summer. I talk to Gioffre quite a bit now and we are trying to get a
< lot of
< people together this summer. Hope your trip is going well and Keep in
< touch.
< I'll let you know how the B-School results come in. Talk to you soon.
< Ben