Enron Mail

Date:Thu, 14 Sep 2000 10:08:00 -0700 (PDT)


DC is still treating me well. 10 years here and still going. My wife and I
moved into our new home in June. So I've been getting settled in the new
place all summer, real busy but it's been fun. Just had the 1 year
anniversary, can't believe it's been that long. Flather Hall, Kitty's, and
'box' seem like yesterday...

Marlon's wedding sounds like fun, too bad it's Homecoming weekend. Would be
nice to see everybody. We need to make some plans and all get together
soon. The marathon sounds great, good luck, the only running I have time
for these days is from Home Depot and back to the house. But I manage to go
to the gym a few days a week to maintain my 250 lbs slim figure.

I still hang out with Penney and his new little girl, never thought he would
be the first to have a baby. Saw Ken and Theo a few weeks ago in DC. Dolan
and Sofie are now in San Fran and I talk to him from time to time.

Hard to make plans with a big bunch of people. Sometimes you just gotta
make the plans with a few and throw it out there for the rest of the group.
Let me know if you have any ideas or possible locations. Maybe just plan a
weekend somewhere, DC or otherwise and try to get as many people together.
Maybe a big party or something like that. We'll hire Vince O'Neill to
organize it. An un-official homecoming party.

See ya

Christopher J. Lukawski
Project Manager
HITT Contracting Inc.
http://www.hitt-gc.com <http://www.hitt-gc.com<
703-444-9453 voice
703-444-7096 fax
703-814-1235 pager

-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin.Rogers@enron.com [SMTP:Benjamin.Rogers@enron.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 4:41 PM
To: clukawski@hitt-gc.com

How are ya? How is the DC area these days? Houston is still
fucking hot
and Enron is still doing well and the price is still screaming so
are good. In response to your inquiry regarding Homecoming. Megan
and I
are actually, if you can believe it, going to Marlon and Marissa's
the first weekend in October in NJ. Also, OB, Chobu, Mike, Corpina
Danny, Patty D, Sammy, Amy, etc. are going as well - should be
I haven't seen some of those people for quite awhile. I was trying
to set
something up, but that came up as well as I'm running in this year's
Marathon, which is the first Sunday in Novemebr, so trying to
something became even harder. I still want to get together with you
but trying to figure out when and where. Suggestions are welcomed.
all is going well and talk to you soon.

(713) 853-7998 Office Ph.

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