Enron Mail

Date:Sun, 1 Oct 2000 11:57:00 -0700 (PDT)

Good to hear from you. Yes, it was a wonderful weekend to work all weekend.
Were very busy at work and will continue to be so through the rest of the
year. It is very upsetting to hear about Kara. Seems like she has a long
way to go to recovery, but I'm optimistic that she can get to where she needs
to be. I talked to her Sunday morning. She seemed upbeat. I hope the place
she is staying at is giving her a glance at how bad it could be so that its
kind of a wake up call. Let me know how Megan and I can help. Megan is
going to get this really good book on Manic Depression. Hope we can talk
about this soon.
Your Son