Enron Mail |
Dave Delainey has requested feedback on all the interested parties by this
Friday. If you have recently made contact with your respective company(s), please drop me a line and let me know the latest. If no contact has been made recently, please call and see how things are going. All of these companies should have had books for a week plus. As you all are aware, bids are due a week from Friday. I am unsure who ultimately made the contact with some of these companies, so I have bunched them together. If there are some companies that I haven't included, but that you have feedback on, please let me know what it is. Thanks for all your help, and it looks like the real fun is just around the corner. Calger/Kelemen/Thomas/Parquet Avista Ida-West BP Amoco PG&E AES Calpine(?) Mike Miller AEP PSEG Tenaska Bruce Sukaly MEGA Ben Rogers Kinder Regards, Don