Enron Mail

To:market_relations@nyiso.com, nyiso_tech_exchange@global2000.net
Subject:Re: Follow Up Material from 9/19 Pricing Issues Task Force meeting
Date:Fri, 21 Sep 2001 10:23:55 -0700 (PDT)

tjlynch@nyseg.com writes to the NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion List:

The BME-SCD Operating Reserve Comparison includes the following note:
"Data for BME hours beginning 0:00 was not reliable, assumed all hours were
not short."

Please explain why data for this hour each day is unreliable and how it
impacts customer bills. We are troubled that after operating a system for
nearly two years, problems remain that cause this magnitude of inaccuracy.

Tim Lynch
NYSEG Energy Trading

Dear Pricing Issues Task Force Members,

The attached documents contain the additional price analysis that Andrew
Hartshorn agreed to provide at the September 19, 2001 Pricing Issues Task
force Meeting.

Monica Ryan-Taber

(See attached file: BME_SCD_Load_Compare_Values.pdf)(See attached file: