Enron Mail

Subject:Everset II CA File
Date:Wed, 13 Dec 2000 10:06:00 -0800 (PST)


Let me start by thanking you for keeping the Everest II CAs in such an
organized manner.

I delivered copies of the available agreements to Kay Young for safe keeping
in the

Legal Department's Confidentiality Agreement Database. I've also given your
CA files to Stuart

for his E2 records. Unfortunately, a little clean up remains on E2. Your
files included five empty folders,

no CA, for the following entities:

1. AEP;
2. Ameren;
3. Diamond Generating;
4. Orion Power; and
5. Tenaska.

Please see what you can do to pull these agreements together for Stu's
records. If I can help you out in anyway, please give me a call.

Take care,
