Enron Mail

To:dale.rasmussen@enron.com, steven.mccarrel@enron.com, kenton.erwin@enron.com,eric.merten@enron.com, e..jones@enron.com, tracy.ngo@enron.com, susan.rance@enron.com, tim.belden@enron.com, f..calger@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com
Subject:HYDA -3
Cc:legal <.hall@enron.com<
Bcc:legal <.hall@enron.com<
Date:Fri, 9 Nov 2001 14:19:47 -0800 (PST)

The Hall-Yoder Daily Assemsment Index for Friday, November 9, 2001: -3

Monday +1
Tuesday -1
Wednesday -2
Thursday -5
Friday -3

It has become clear that we cannot save ourselves, and so, a takeover would seem to be better than bankruptcy. Through thick fog it seems that Wall Street banks (lenders to Enron) may favor a Dynegy takeover to the alternative, and the Moody downgrade fell just short of the junk bond line. Tim Belden and Chris Calger flying to Houston means Portland's voice may be heard at one of the many tables in the many board rooms, but is offset by the fact that Tracy Ngo was seen in the photocopy room, rushing to get six months of expense reports submitted to Houston for payout.

And, the crows were seen swarming out over the calm waters of the river, circling above the waters as if expecting to see something below, eventually rising up in a flock to lead the way south ahead of Tim and Chris.