Enron Mail |
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: "Ed Comer" <EComer@eei.org<@ENRON X-To: fmdutton@aep.com, Sager, Elizabeth </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=ESAGER<, jcrespo@hess.com, nicole.daggs@mirant.com, david.perlman@powersrc.com, ntrask@pwrteam.com, drusso@reliantenergy.com X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Elizabeth_Sager_Jan2002\Sager, Elizabeth\Inbox X-Origin: Sager-E X-FileName: esager (Non-Privileged).pst Jeffrey Gollomp, Assistant GC of Cinergy is interested in developing a MISO product. With Mitch's concurrence, I invited him to our meeting and this call. He can be reached at:jgollomp@cinergy.com 859-372-6982 and extention 6955 for fax. <<< <fmdutton@aep.com< 11/20/01 04:09PM <<< 10:00 Easter Standard Time 9:00 Central Standard Time Call in numbers are autonet - 200-3997, toll free 1-888-237-7001 Host Code is 679353