Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Guaranty
Cc:frank.sayre@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,travis.mccullough@enron.com, tanya.rohauer@enron.com
Bcc:frank.sayre@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,travis.mccullough@enron.com, tanya.rohauer@enron.com
Date:Tue, 30 Oct 2001 06:37:34 -0800 (PST)

Please revert on the statutes of the final document following our
discussions yesterday.

-----Original Message-----
From: St. Clair, Carol [mailto:Carol.St.Clair@ENRON.com]
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 1:23 PM
To: ccerria@hess.com
Cc: Sayre, Frank; Cook, Mary; Sager, Elizabeth; McCullough, Travis;
Rohauer, Tanya
Subject: Guaranty
Importance: High

Enclosed is the form of Enron Corp. Guaranty. I look forward to hearing
back from you.

<<Enron Hess Guaranty Version 1.doc<<

Carol St. Clair
EB 4539
713-853-3989 (phone)
713-646-8537 (fax)
281-382-1943 (cell phone)
8774545506 (pager)
281-890-8862 (home fax)

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Thank you.