Enron Mail |
elizabeth sager's home number is 713-864-4023
lisa mellencamp's is 713-942-8515--cell is 713-305-2501 please feel free to call with questions etc. -----Original Message----- From: Sager, Elizabeth Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 3:45 PM To: 'jhalprin@newpower.com'; 'william.cronin@newpower.com' Cc: Mellencamp, Lisa; Wright, Alice Subject: Security agreement and Ratification of Guaranty Agreements Attached are additional drafts of agreements required in connection with the proposed Second Amendment to Master Netting Agreement, a draft of which I forwarded to you earlier. Please excuse the inconsistent reference to Sections - we are still trying to clean that up. Elizabeth Sager 713-853-6349 << File: SecAgr.doc << << File: NPGuar.doc << << File: E-Guaranty.doc <<