Enron Mail

Subject:Distibution of EEI draft
Date:Thu, 9 Dec 1999 07:08:00 -0800 (PST)

Into product should be distributed to Andy and Patricia Young. Emails in
this email
---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 12/09/99 03:07
PM ---------------------------

"Andy Katz" <AKatz@eei.org< on 12/08/99 04:16:29 PM
To: HEMU@dynegy.com, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, rosteen@powersrc.com,
Subject: Re: Draft Agenda for 12/15/99 EEI/NEMA Contract Group Meeting

I've been hiding in the weeds. Hisss. I agree w/ Patty and Liz that product
definition should be the primary focus of the meeting. It would seem most of
the transmission related issues PECO (or Dynegy) have could be addressed in
the context of the force majeure definition and how specific product
definitions tighten or loosen FM excuses for non-performance.

I think we can represent that discussions w/ FERC staff will take place
during January. Our meeting coordinator is talking w/ Mariott about roll out
meetings in Houston during the first week of March and in NYC late
April/early May. Let me know if you have any scheduling conflicts during
those timeframes and I'll circulate some proposed dates w/ the product
definitions. Also, let me know if you are not interested in participating in
one of or both roll-outs.

I will gladly circulate product definitions, but will be out of town after
the 10th. Could you CC: Patricia Young at EEI 202/508-5757 pyoung@eei.org
with any definitions you want circulated.

Another topic I would suggest discussing briefly if time is available is the
results of the contract survey. We have received many responses. Tabulation
of the results should be done by our meeting.

Andrew S. Katz, Senior Attorney
Edison Electric Institute
701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004
Voice: 202-508-5616
Fax: 202-508-5673
e-mail: akatz@eei.org

<<< <HEMU@dynegy.com< 12/07/99 07:40PM <<<
Please take a look at this and give me your thoughts. One area that I believe
needs more work in particular is the item referring to FERC policies; I think
this is PECO's issue, but I'm not sure what FERC policies they are concerned

I would like to attach the current definitions of the products to the agenda.
Do we have a definition of the "Into __" product that has been updated since
November 9 conference call? Is there a new defintion of the "Firm (LD-System
Reliability)" product?

What about trying to tackle bookouts if we have the time? Is there any
conceivable way we will have the time?



(See attached file: EEI-NEMA AGENDA.DOC)