Enron Mail

Subject:PGE Credit Reducing Trade - Settlement, Assignment and Assumption
Date:Wed, 27 Dec 2000 01:17:00 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: Elizabeth Sager
X-To: David Leboe
X-Folder: \Elizabeth_Sager_Nov2001\Notes Folders\Sent
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Primary Document with Avista
----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 12/27/2000 09:16 AM -----

"Michael Didriksen" <mdidriksen@nyc.rr.com<
12/23/2000 02:59 PM

To: <David.mitchell@cwt.com<, <rick.antonoff@cwt.com<,
<elizabeth.sager@enron.com<, <mark.e.haedicke@enron.com<,
<mike.d.smith@enron.com<, <mike_d_smith@enron.com<, <shari.stack@enron.com<,
<SBEHREND@LLGM.COM<, <JKLAUBER@LLGM.COM<, <travis.mccullough@enron.com<,
<christian.yoder@enron.com<, <vicki.sharp@enron.com<, <vsharp@enron.com<
cc: "MICHAEL W E DIDRIKSEN" <mdidriksen@llgm.com<
Subject: Revised Settlement, Assignment and Assumption Agreement

Following our various conversations yesterday, attached please find a
revised version of the Settlement, Assignment and Assumption Agreement,
incorporating comments recieved from both Avista and PGET, and some further
changes we have made.? I have attached a "blackline" version showing changes
from the last draft distributed by EPMI.? If you have any questions or
comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at the number listed below.
Mike Didriksen
NOTICE:? This e-mail, including attachments, contains information that is
confidential and it may be protected by the attorney/client or other
privileges.? This e-mail, including attachments, constitutes non-public
information intended to be conveyed only to the designated recipient(s).? If
you are not an intended recipient, please delete this e-mail, including
attachments, and notify me by return mail, e-mail or at (212)424-8352.? The
unauthorized use, dissemination, distribution or reproduction of this
e-mail, including attachments, is prohibited and may be unlawful.?

Michael Didriksen
LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, L.L.P.
125 West 55th Street
New York, NY? 10019
fax:? (212)424-8500
- Settlement Agreement 12-23.doc