Enron Mail

Subject:Standardized Contract
Date:Thu, 2 Sep 1999 02:29:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 09/02/99 09:29
AM ---------------------------

Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.

From: "Caroline Goodson" <CGOODSON@schiffhardin.com<
09/01/99 10:15 AM

To: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, rosteen@powersrc.com
cc: fmdutton@aep.com, akatz@eei.org, ecomer@eei.org, mroger3@entergy.com,
fwhenze@JonesDay.com, kdleitao@llgm.com, dmperlman@powersrc.com,
PDONDANV@schiffhardin.com, jcrespo@statoilenergy.com
Subject: Standardized Contract

Elizabeth and Randy:
Attached are clean and marked copies of the standardized contract,
revised to reflect comments from Kevin, Fritz, Mitch and Andy, and other
changes discussed during the conference calls on Monday and Tuesday. As
we discussed, please coordinate with Fritz so that he can revise the
document to reflect any additional comments either of you have. He will
then circulate a revised draft to the drafting committee in time for our
next conference call on Sept. 9 at 2 pm eastern time.

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please reply to the sender that you received the message in
error. Then delete it. Thank you.

- sept1.wpd