Enron Mail

Subject:please transfer to my directory
Date:Tue, 23 Jan 2001 01:03:00 -0800 (PST)

----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 01/23/2001 09:07 AM -----

01/22/2001 08:18 PM

To: <elizabeth.sager@enron.com<
Subject: ENRONform termination letter.WPD

Dear Elizabeth,

Please find attached the draft form termination letter, coupled with a Notice
of Settlement Amount, that you requested. Please note that we recommend that
these form letters be used merely as guides as the contracts that Enron has
entered into with the PG&E entities all provide for varying procedures for
termination. Therefore, each contract should be referenced prior to sending
out a termination letter.

Additionally, Jim Huemoeller and I believe that it would be best that one
person be responsible for preparing the various terminations, or in the
alternative, have such person review each termination letter so that there is
consistent wording and so that the Enron and LeBoeuf persons responsible for
monitoring the PG&E situation are certain which contracts are being

Please let us know if you have any questions, or if we can be of further

Best regards,

Christina L.C. McDonald

cc: John C. Klauberg

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