Enron Mail

Subject:Resume of William "Woody" Walters
Date:Tue, 25 Jan 2000 03:27:00 -0800 (PST)

Let me know what you think--obviously we need to decide quickly.
---------------------- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2000
11:25 AM ---------------------------

Lindagreen@aol.com on 01/18/2000 01:22:47 PM
To: Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Resume of William "Woody" Walters

Richard: Here for your review is the resume of Woody Waters, employed as an
in-house attorney at Texaco in its Burbank, CA offices. He has been with
Texaco, first in Houston and now in Burbank, since he earned his joint law
degree and MBA in 1990.

Within Texaco, he is a transactional attorney and has two specialties:
First, he supports Texaco Global Gas and Power in all aspects of project
development and finance, in its efforts to develop cogeneration power plants
in domestic and international locations. Secondly, he has provided legal
counsel to the Texaco Marketing Department with a focus on franchising and
marketing/distribution as well other transactional matters and contracts,
including licensing, trademarks and antitrust matters.

Woody is not from the Portland area nor does he have family here, but he has
travelled here extensively and would like to relocate to Portland.

From a timing aspect, Woody has another in-house offer from a bay area
employer with a two-week time table in which to reply. He has expressed high
interest in an Enron opportunity and would be pleased to discuss his
background more in detail in a telephone pre-screening interview. If you
would like to do that, let me know and I will set it up.

Regards, Linda Green Pierce
Northwest Legal Search, Inc.

- WatersW Resume.doc