Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Houston Pipe Line Company v. Kinney Fitzgerald charges - Enron
Date:Sun, 26 Aug 2001 06:00:53 -0700 (PDT)

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Please get to the bottom of this and report back to me. Thanks.
-----Original Message-----
From: Stephens, Becky
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 10:51 AM
To: Sanders, Richard B.
Cc: Soldano, Louis; LaGesse, Denise; Digilormo, Susan; White, Bonnie; Davis, Britt
Subject: Houston Pipe Line Company v. Kinney Fitzgerald charges - Enron Litigation Unit

Richard, I have had a request from Denise LaGesse (at Lou's request) to remove the Enron Litigation Unit charges on this matter from their operating company (ETS) and charge them to ENA instead. We have billed ETS 5 times since January, the total amount of the billings being $4,678.47. If you are in agreement with this transfer of charges, please provide the company # and cost center # that you would like me to have them transferred to. I can forward details of these billings to you by fax or mail. Let me know your preference. Thank you.

Denise, I will need your company # and cost center # as well.

Thank you.
Becky A. Stephens
Support Services Coordinator
Enron Litigation Unit, EB4809
becky.stephens@enron.com <mailto:becky.stephens@enron.com<
713.853.6576 fax