Enron Mail

To:e..haedicke@enron.com, legal <.schuler@enron.com<, carol.st.@enron.com,julia.murray@enron.com, travis.mccullough@enron.com, gareth.bahlmann@enron.com, legal <.taylor@enron.com<
Date:Fri, 26 Oct 2001 12:27:15 -0700 (PDT)

The meeting is in 3321.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sanders, Richard B.
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 11:47 AM
To: Haedicke, Mark E.; Schuler, Lance (Legal); St. Clair, Carol; Murray, Julia; McCullough, Travis

This will confirm that the meetings with Weil for Sat and Sun will begin at 10am. Mark wants the entire team to be present for the Sat meeting. We will decide after that meeting who needs to be present on Sun. I have sent Weil a number of materials, including the 3rd quarter results given to the analysts. We anticipate that Sat will be a lawyers only meeting to discuss the corporate structure and the bankruptcy issues related to the different business units. The meeting will probably last 4-5 hours.

The Sun meeting will include the commercial team. An agenda will be prepared, but most of the day will be devoted to information gathering and brainstorming.