Enron Mail

To:larry.berger@enron.com, lynn.blair@enron.com, michael.bodnar@enron.com,john.buchanan@enron.com, terry.kowalke@enron.com, raetta.zadow@enron.com, patrick.barry@enron.com, jean.blair@enron.com, randy.bryan@enron.com, nancy.callans@enron.com, james.car
Subject:Carlton Resolution - PLEASE READ!!!!
Cc:steve.january@enron.com, gary.spraggins@enron.com,darrell.schoolcraft@enron.com
Bcc:steve.january@enron.com, gary.spraggins@enron.com,darrell.schoolcraft@enron.com
Date:Fri, 28 Dec 2001 05:25:48 -0800 (PST)

I want to remind everyone when NNG calls on the Carlton Resolution, we can NOT
allow ANY deliveries at Carlton.

At each cycle, please be sure you monitor any deliveries at Carlton
and let Steve, Gary or Darrell know if you see any nominations. At that
point Carlton Deliveries should be allocated to zero (0).

If you have any questions, or we need to discuss further, please let me know.
Thanks. Lynn