Enron Mail

To:frankie.adams@enron.com, t..adams@enron.com, jean.adams@enron.com,dennis.alters@enron.com, e..anderson@enron.com, team.andrews@enron.com, team.ashland@enron.com, courtney.barker@enron.com, mike.barry@enron.com, clifford.basha@enron.com, team.beatric
Subject:NNG Measurement Log thru 10/19/01
Date:Fri, 19 Oct 2001 13:30:11 -0700 (PDT)

Attached is the NNG Measurement Log thru 10/19/01. I have created another sheet in the file named NNG Measlog sort by Region. Both sheet have the same information. Any questions please give me a call @ 713.853.7742.

j. floyd