Enron Mail

To:lynn.blair@enron.com, john.buchanan@enron.com, bradley.holmes@enron.com,terry.kowalke@enron.com, toby.kuehl@enron.com, sheila.nacey@enron.com, darrell.schoolcraft@enron.com, helpdesk.hottap@enron.com
Subject:RE: All Tests Were NOT Successfully Executed
Cc:scott.abshire@enron.com, don.daze@enron.com, steve.hotte@enron.com,hasan.kedwaii@enron.com, jean.mcfarland@enron.com, lisa.sawyer@enron.com, a..smith@enron.com, glenda.wagner@enron.com
Bcc:scott.abshire@enron.com, don.daze@enron.com, steve.hotte@enron.com,hasan.kedwaii@enron.com, jean.mcfarland@enron.com, lisa.sawyer@enron.com, a..smith@enron.com, glenda.wagner@enron.com
Date:Wed, 16 Jan 2002 05:05:29 -0800 (PST)

The HotTap Helpdesk notified us the issue has been resolved and the external TMS customers are up and working.

-----Original Message-----
From: Wagner, Glenda
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 6:44 AM
To: Blair, Lynn; Buchanan, John; Holmes, Bradley; Kowalke, Terry; Kuehl, Toby; Nacey, Sheila; Schoolcraft, Darrell; Hottap HelpDesk
Cc: Abshire, Scott; Daze, Don; Hotte, Steve; Kedwaii, Hasan; McFarland, Jean; Sawyer, Lisa; Smith, Chris A.; Wagner, Glenda
Subject: All Tests Were NOT Successfully Executed

All testing was completed. We were notified by the HotTap Helpdesk there were problems with external TMS customers. The HotTap support team is working on this issue. We have confirmed with the ENW Resolution Center that the Exchange servers are up.