Enron Mail

Subject:RIGZONE Special Offer - Save 50% on Mapper GIS Solution
Date:Tue, 15 Jan 2002 15:50:35 -0800 (PST)

=09=09 =09=09=09
[IMAGE]=09=09 home | news | search | maps | data | jobs =
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[IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Mapper On Sale - only $350 Now through =
January 31, you can save 50% on the already reduced price of Rigzone's Mapp=
er software. This is an unbeatable deal on an unparalleled software applica=
tion for the upstream oil and gas industry. To purchase your copy today, =
visit the Rigzone Store . Mapper is the solution ... the solution to your=
GIS mapping and data management needs, the solution to your offshore plann=
ing and route creation requirements, the solution to your desire for custom=
ized maps designed to your specifications Mapper is a user-friendly, Window=
s-based software package backed by the power and expertise of Rigzone. It =
provides a complete offshore data solution enhanced with powerful drawing, =
reporting, and data search tools. Features: Print your customized maps =
up to 11x17" Export your maps using a variety of common formats (bitmap, JP=
EG, GIF, etc.) and use the images in reports, sales materials and more Gene=
rate custom route reports Search for mobile offshore drilling units, fields=
, blocks, platforms, and other structures Use precision drawing tools to cu=
stomize your maps with lines, polygons, text, symbols, and more Easy-to-lea=
rn so it can be used by anyone Data: Gulf of Mexico base data: blocks, l=
eases, cities and counties, bathymetry Gulf of Mexico platforms and caisson=
s Gulf of Mexico pipelines for both natural gas and oil Mobile Offshore Dri=
lling Units including detailed information such as location, rig type, stat=
us, rig name, operator, and more updated weekly through Rigzone To learn m=
ore about Mapper and the ways in which it can fill your mapping and data ne=
eds, visit: http://maps.rigzone.com/ System Requirements: Windows 98/NT=
4/2000, CD-ROM Drive, 100MB Hard Drive Space System Recommendations: 28M=
B RAM, 300MHz Pentium II Processor, or better =09[IMAGE]=09=09
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