Enron Mail

To:darrell.schoolcraft@enron.com, perry.frazier@enron.com, tk.lohman@enron.com
Subject:TW IT contracts - System implementation issues
Date:Sun, 10 Mar 2002 08:54:05 -0800 (PST)

In verifying IT point contract data this Sunday after our implementation, we came across some point differences in old system to new system. Looks like possible displacement points for interruptible contracts. Should the points listed below be valid displacement points for Interruptible contracts? Please let me know ASAP on Monday.

Thanks Ramona

POI Name

56698 Citizens Utilities Kingman
78069 Citizens Griffith Energy Del
78113 Calpine So, Point Power Del
500046 Flagstaff 89 North
500134 Flagstaff Delivery Point