Enron Mail

Subject:Floating Rate language
Date:Fri, 11 Jun 1999 06:58:00 -0700 (PDT)


I have sent a fax to your attention for a Financial Power deal #215146. We
need the Floating Rate language reviewed as we have adjusted it from the
existing definition for CalPX SP15 which is below. If I should be sending
this to someone else, please let me know.

Thank you,
Joe Hunter

CalPX - SP15:
The average of the daily settlement prices for On-Peak electricity as
published (electronically or otherwise) by the California Power Exchange
under the headings "Hourly Zonal Prices (Constrained): SP 15" for the
applicable Determination Period; On-Peak hours: HE 0700 through HE 2200 PPT,
Monday through Saturday (excluding Sundays and NERC Holidays)