Enron Mail

Subject:Re: hi!
Date:Fri, 12 Jan 2001 06:28:00 -0800 (PST)

Sorry bubbie, it's been a freas show here. No time to talk, but I will
attend to the invoices immediately.

"Ben Macklowe" <Ben@macklowegallery.com< on 01/12/2001 12:45:21 PM
To: <jeff.shankman@enron.com<
Subject: hi!

Hi Jeff:
Hope you're doing great, everything is pointing towards your company making
more money than the rest of the Dow combined this year!!!!
We have two open invoices for you, which I've attached for your
convenience.? We also have a lot of bills to pay.? Can you take care of
these please?? Thank you in advance.
I know you wanted to send back the Rousseau hanger and the Galle mushroom
ceramic.? I spoke with my Dad, and he said it's ok to send it back to us to
sell for you.
We want to ship you all the fabulous objects you've acquired here, when can
we do that?
How's your new home?