Enron Mail

Subject:Contacting presenters
Date:Wed, 4 Apr 2001 12:25:00 -0700 (PDT)

Mike, I received a voicemail from Matt Khourie tonight regarding the
presenters. Apparently, Jeff's recollection that Matt was to contact the
presenters was inaccurate; Matt indicated that it had been agreed that you
would contact the presenters and he would be responsible for arranging the
SUN demonstration.

With Jeff out of town until Monday, I would really like to have someone
contact the presenters before the end of the week. Is this going to be
possible? I'll call you tomorrow to follow up. In the meantime, below are
the links to the presenters' bios, which I believe include their phone
numbers. Let me know if you have any trouble launching any of them.

Additionally, I spoke to Penny this morning regarding the number of RSVPs we
have to date. I'm very concerned about space and would like you guys to
reconsider the buffet idea, with seating scattered around the facility, and
the meeting room set up "class room" style. If we go with the plated
breakfast and have 120 people seated around 12 "10-tops," there will be no
space for a screen, podium, AV equipment, etc. If we have more than 120
people (I think the number this morning was 104 with reservations continuing
to come in), we will not have enough space to seat everyone in the meeting
room. In talking with some of the others who have planned breakfasts for the
YPO group, I've been told that many YPOers do not show for the breakfast and
will walk in just in time for the presentations. I think you guys and Jeff
are scheduled to meet next Tuesday, so perhaps that can be discussed then.

I'll give you a call tomorrow, Mike. Thanks, SRS


