Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Hey Big Guys!
Date:Sun, 18 Mar 2001 23:58:00 -0800 (PST)


Give me a call when you have the packet ready.


Amelia Alder
03/17/2001 12:17 PM
To: Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John Norden/Enron@EnronXGate, Dan
Lyons/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jordan Hunter/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Dick.graves@trizechahn.com,
Jdgramke@aol.com, wgramm@aol.com, donfogel@wsfjg.com, Mark S
Muller/HOU/EES@EES, cwclark@lnc.com, Patrick Scales, jack.McAdoo@enron.com,
Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ray.sylvester@westin.com, charla.reese@enron.com,
Iain.Russell@enron.com, Shawnfranks@entersysgroup.com, Carole
Rogers/EPSC/HOU/ECT@ECT, markejackson@earthlink.net, Bill
Donovan/EPSC/HOU/ECT@ECT, hbrown@bracepatt.com, mrsalomon1@aol.com,
steve.hultquist@aegismtg.com, John.d.powell@enron.com, hbrown@bracepatt.com,
alan@sivcoinc.com, Jnoles@enron.com, vbhatt@leeofficesupplies.com, Stephanie
Strong/HOU/ECT, cvgarza@duke-energy.com, becky.pham@enron.com,
jawhite@haynesintl.com, Amy.moore@enron.com, Klynn@enron.com,
carrolm@hal-pc.org, jturner@houston.rr.com, David.Horne@enron.com,
tramsey@enron.com, KJSosville@mail.esc4.com, Mark.Greenberg@enron.com,
Chris.Sonneborn@enron.com, dnguyen@varco.com, Cduke@enron.com
cc: Sherri Sera, Nita Garcia/NA/Enron@Enron, Suzanne Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Sarita Garza/FGT/Enron@Enron, Elizabeth Boudreaux/NA/Enron, mswyatt@att.net

Subject: Hey Big Guys!

Oh Awesome Ones! How grateful we are for your phenomenal fundraising efforts
for Team Enron!
Below is the rider number which you will wear in 2001, based on your
fundraising performance in 2000.

I will have your "special" rider packet at all our pickup points described in
my earlier notice. I am picking these up for you on March 20, and if you
would prefer to pick it up yourself at one of the MS packet pickups, please
let me know before Tuesday, March 20, at Noon. I don't want to have it here
at Enron if you're expecting to find it somewhere else!

Also, if you know for sure you will not participate this year, please let me
know that ASAP! (713-646-6569)

We will miss Wendy Gramm skating with us this year. She has a date conflict
but will return next year.
Amy Moore is not riding this year, but is in charge of our refreshment tent
in Austin!

Very impressive list, and thanks for all the hard work. Team Enron has 50 of
the top 200.
1 Jeff Skilling
3 John Norden
4 Dan Lyons
6 Jordan Hunter
8 Dick Graves
10 Jim Gramke
11 Wendy Gramm
13 Don Fogel
15 Amelia Alder
19 Mark S Muller
20 Corby Clark
21 Patrick Scales
23 Jack McAdoo
25 Stinson Gibner
36 Ray Sylvester
38 Charla Reese
39 Iain Russell
44 Shawn Franks
51 Carole Rogers
59 Mark E Jackson
61 Bill Donovan
62 Heather Brown
63 Mike Salomon
69 Bruce Ferrell
70 Steven Hultquist
81 John D. Powell
90 Alan F. Phillips
98 James L Noles
100 Victor Bhatt
105 Stephanie Strong
113 Mike Van Horn
115 Charles V Garza
118 R Clay Spears
122 Becky Pham
125 Jeff White
128 Amy K Moore
130 Geoff Shepard
136 Kathy M Lynn
137 Carrol R McGinnis
139 James H "Pete" Turner
141 Glen Morrison Boudreaux
142 Tracy Ramsey
149 Karen Jo Sosville
155 Susan Pham
159 David Horne
173 Mark L Greenberg
177 Hans C Sonneborn
190 Jennifer Sabine
198 Donn Nguyen
199 Cullen A Duke