Enron Mail

Subject:Re: MS150 Enron team sign up
Date:Mon, 5 Mar 2001 05:54:00 -0800 (PST)

Sherri, here's the info you need. I would recommend that they both join the
cycling club at $35 each, and then we will pay for their registrations. Jeff
Skilling's has already been paid for even though he hasn't paid his dues for
2001. Effectively, the bike club pays the registrations through the
membership fees, and his daughter would be eligible to join with him, so if
you could forward me a check for $70, and get his/her membership and her
MS150 form back to me, I'll take care of everything. (We already have Jeff's
MS150 registration done, as I said.)

On the fundraising: Please mention to Jeff that BP, who is the main sponsor
of this year's tour, has issued a challenge to Enron. They are seriously out
to beat us out of first place and they claim that they already have 400
riders. We, of course, don't want that to happen, although we are pleased
with the jump-start we have given to the Houston corporate world in relation
to this ride. I'm encouraging our current team members to raise their
fundraising as much as possible, and especially our top people. Do you think
we could get Jeff to $100,000 this year? Last year he came in at $65,000.
Wendy Gramm is not riding this year because Phil Gramm has a high school
reunion the same night, so could Jeff ask Wendy to raise money anyway and
throw it our way, or she could just raise the money and give herself the
credit even though she's not riding? Do you have any ideas on that? Do you
want me to contact her to discuss or would it be better for you or Rebecca to
do that?

MS150 - April 21-22

From: Jeff Skilling 03/05/2001 11:59 AM

Sent by: Sherri Sera
To: Amelia Alder/OTS/Enron@ENRON

Subject: MS150 Enron team sign up

Amelia, would you please e-mail me the Enron team sign up for for MS150?
Jeff's daughter would like to ride with the Enron team. Let me know what I
owe you for that, and I'll send you a check when she fills out the
registration form. Thanks, SRS