Enron Mail

Subject:YPO Event Survey
Date:Wed, 6 Dec 2000 07:04:00 -0800 (PST)

Dear YPO Member,

You are invited to participate in a very important YPO survey. In response
to Member requests for "smaller, less expensive, shorter events" offered by
YPO International, we would like you to participate in a brief online survey
to help us design future programs for YPO Members.

Please take just a few minutes and give us your very important opinions. You
may click on


type it in, or copy and paste this address to your web browser. This will
take you directly to the survey, and you will be guided quickly through the
process. All responses are completely confidential. Please complete the
survey by Tuesday, December 19, 2000.

Thank you for your time and responses to assist us in designing event
products to meet your needs. The survey results will be made public early
next year. However, if you would like a personal copy of the results, please
contact YPO International at dcook@ypo.org.

Kind regards,

Herb Conley (Hawaii Chapter)
Senior Vice President- Events

Your email address was added to the YPO database when
you, became a member of YPO. This email is not
unsolicited. If you have received this email by mistake,
please email aparks@acop.com.
