Enron Mail

Subject:e-marketplace update
Date:Sun, 25 Jun 2000 04:10:00 -0700 (PDT)

Jeff --

I thought you might find this brief update useful. Best regards.

-- Rex

----- Forwarded by Rex Shelby/Enron Communications on 06/25/00 10:38 AM -----
| | Rex Shelby |
| | |
| | 06/25/00 |
| | 09:28 AM |
| | |


| |
| To: Ken Rice/Enron Communications@Enron Communications,
Kevin |
| Hannon/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Joe
Hirko/Enron |
| Communications@Enron
Communications |
| cc: david_berberian@enron.net, Jim
Crowder/Enron |
| Communications@Enron Communications, Kevin
Garland/Enron |
| Communications@Enron Communications, Kevin
Howard/Enron |
| Communications@Enron Communications, Larry
Lawyer/Enron |
| Communications@Enron
Communications |
| Subject: e-marketplace
update |


Hello --

A quick summary of key e-market/exchange progress over the past couple months:

1) i2 network proposal submitted: $20 million over a 36-month term -- U.S.,
Bussels, India.

2) Financial Settlement Matrix launched: 120-day pilot -- EBS, i2, Citibank,
Wells Fargo, S1 Corp. -- EBS has 18% stake -- no significant revenue this

3) i2 and IBM sponsoring EBS in MyAircraft.com (aircraft parts exchange) and
iStarExchange (Toyota private exchange): rough estimate of initial network
business in these exchanges is $3 million annually (grows as exchanges grow)
early discussion stage.

4) i2 and Nortel sponsoring EBS in e2Open.com (high tech exchange with lots
visibility, IBM is also a key player): in early discussion stage.

5) Ariba wishes to pull EBS into the Ariba Commerce Services Network (ACSN):
initial network proposal from EBS will include San Jose and London with Tokyo
follow as soon as available -- rough estimate is $10 million over 36-month
-- Ariba is also open to a proposal on hosting services from EBS.

6) Lots of other business development in various stages, including Commerce
One, Oracle, Tivoli, BMC, and multiple exchanges and exchange technology

The good news is that the EBS pitch has been impressive to potential customers
and partners (see attached presentation for a sample). We are pitching
services successfully (the VBN product is key), but it is clear that the Enron
financial services skills are a major reason that customers are attracted to
in this space -- through Mathis Conner and others in the Tech Channels Group,
EBS is gaining considerable skill in the value-added services arena (which is
where a lot of the future revenue resides).

Enron Net Works has been helpful to EBS' efforts in the exchange space. Also
helpful are other EBS groups, such as those of Kevin Garland, Kevin Howard,
Larry Lawyer. As we become increasingly more visible in this space, we need
think about how we want to unfold the story publicly.

I hope this update is useful. Best regards.

-- Rex

(See attached file: ariba-o600.ppt)

- ariba-o600.ppt