Enron Mail

Subject:Do You Seek Payoff From Your Firm's Technology Spending?
Date:Mon, 5 Nov 2001 14:07:50 -0800 (PST)

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Technology spending soared in the 1990s, amid a booming economy and the dual promise and threat of the Internet. But the binge is over and - billions of dollars later - technology leaders now face uncertain returns on those investments.
The Forrester Technology Leadership Forum will focus on incremental investments that will help you achieve payoff from your firm's technology assets. The key is Web services technologies, which help companies build and link systems within and between organizations, regardless of location or platform. Web services deliver real benefits; they lower integration and connection costs, improve productivity, and foster more agile partnerships, while preserving the value of legacy IT systems. Forrester analysts will tell you how you can use Web services today to differentiate and accelerate growth. You'll also hear from leaders at vendor and user companies that are creating and deploying best-in-class Web services.
Technology Leadership Forum
The Next Technology Strategy
February 3-5, 2002
The Phoenician
Scottsdale, Ariz.
Dennis H. Jones, Vice Chairman, President, and COO, Commerce One
Stuart A. Kauffman, M.D., Chief Scientific Officer and Chairman, BiosGroup
John S. Leggate, Group Vice President, Digital Business, BP
Phillip Merrick, Founder, Chairman, and CEO, webMethods
Gregory J. Owens, Chairman and CEO, Manugistics Group
Greg Papadopoulos, Senior Vice President and CTO, Sun Microsystems
Roger Siboni, President and CEO, E.piphany
Tony E. Scott, CTO, General Motors
For a complete list of speakers, please visit our Web site:
Register today by calling the Forrester Events line at +1 888/343-6786 or by visiting our Web site at www.forrester.com.
We look forward to seeing you in Scottsdale.
Forrester Events Team
+1 888/343-6786 or +1 617/613-5905
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