Enron Mail

Date:Fri, 26 Oct 2001 14:56:47 -0700 (PDT)

FROM: THE FATIMA CENTER, 266 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY 14222
CONTACT: Coralie Graham, 905-871-7607 or coraliegraham@softcom.ca
OR WEBSITE: www.fatima.org
26 October 2001 - FOR RELEASE: IMMEDIATE

Mid-November prayer campaign targets 6 million Catholics

Thousands of Catholics in New York and around the world believe
that the terrorist attack against the World Trade Center was
prophesied by the Blessed Virgin Mary to three shepherd children
at Fatima, Portugal, on July 13th, 1917. A Rally Against
Terrorism, to be held at New York's Hotel Pennsylvania, from
Saturday, November 10th through Monday, November 12th, will offer
New Yorkers the chance to do something positive to make world
leaders listen to the Fatima Message.
The Blessed Virgin Mary said, "If My requests are not
granted ... the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have
much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated." According
to Father Nicholas Gruner, the "Fatima Priest", this foretells
tragic events like those of September 11th. "This is it!", he
says, "This is what Our Lady tried to warn us about."
The Rally Against Terrorism is being held in New York
because, the organizers say, of the nearly 300 million Americans
who are at risk of annihilation, New Yorkers should be the most
aware of the death and destruction which can be rained on us from
the skies or delivered through the mail. The only thing we can do
to protect ourselves, they say, is to pray and campaign for
obedience to the Message of Fatima.
Attenders at the rally will hear seven distinguished
speakers, including Father Gruner, explain the simple, step-by-
step instructions Our Lady gave us for averting an even worse
disaster. "Everything else has been tried," the Fatima Priest
says. "We have nothing to lose, and world peace to gain, by
insisting that the Pope and all the bishops do what Our Lady of
Fatima has commanded." Participants will be urged to play their
part in making this happen.
There will also be opportunities to join in Masses, Rosaries
and other prayerful devotions offered up in remembrance of those
who have died and for the protection of the living.
Admission to the Rally Against Terrorism is free. Sessions
are scheduled from 8:45 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sunday
and Monday, November 10th through 12th, at New York's Hotel
Pennsylvania, 401 - 7th Avenue, between 32nd and 33rd Streets.
Further information can be found on the Fatima Website:
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NOTE TO MEDIA: We especially invite members of the press--
including electronic media as well as print- to attend and cover
the Rally Against Terrorism. For more information, contact Arthur
Skinner or Coralie Graham at the Fatima Center, telephone 1-866-
871-7723, or, outside North America, +1-905-871-7607, or e-mail
Coralie Graham, coraliegraham@softcom.ca.

The Fatima Center is the largest worldwide Fatima Apostolate
dedicated to promoting the full Fatima Message. It campaigns
tirelessly for: the release of the complete Third Secret; and the
Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It is
home to The Fatima Crusader, a quarterly magazine with a
circulation of 500,000 copies per issue. The Center's outreach
also includes book publishing, a website, radio and television.
For more information, visit www.fatima.org or contact Coralie
Graham, the Fatima Center, 266 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY 14222;
telephone 905-871-7607, ext. 103.