Enron Mail

Date:Thu, 6 Sep 2001 15:23:02 -0700 (PDT)

For Immediate Release
Friday September 7, 2001

Media Contact:
Charles Ellison
Director of Marketing
Direct Line: 202.207.0503
charles.ellison@votenet.com <mailto:charles.ellison@votenet.com<

Firm Emerges as Online Fundraising Market Leader

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 7, 2001) - In a move expected to dramatically alter the scope and significance of online fundraising, Votenet Solutions, Inc. (<http://www.votenet.com<;) today announced the successful completion of its acquisition of eContributor (<http://www.eContributor.com<;). Also headquartered in Washington, DC, eContributor became the industry leader last year by providing Internet fundraising software to a wide range of clients that includes trade associations, PACs, non-profits including faith-based organizations, educational institutions, presidential campaigns, national and state political parties, as well as numerous congressional campaigns. Over $10 million in online contributions have flowed to almost 500 customers using the market leading eContributor online fundraising software. Votenet Solutions is a non-partisan, non-ideological technology solutions firm that provides a suite of products and services for political, public policy and non-profit o!

Speculation regarding the acquisition of eContributor by Votenet had been building for several months prior to today's formal announcement of the completion of the acquisition. "Votenet is pleased to welcome eContributor's almost 500 customers to its growing customer base that is now approaching 2,000 organizations. eContributor built its reputation based on providing stellar customer service and Votenet promises to emulate and even improve on this high standard," stated Mitchell Reisberg, Votenet's Vice President of Sales.

Glen Hughlette, Votenet's CEO observed "Billions of dollars are contributed to non-profit, charitable and political organizations annually. Each year a larger percentage of these contributions are moved online. I am pleased and thankful that Votenet had the financial wherewithal to successfully accomplish this asset acquisition and overnight secure the market leadership position in such a strategically important and fast growing market. The eContributor software perfectly complements many of our other related solutions but especially our web site hosting and marketing package."

Trey Richardson, eContributor.com's CEO stated, "eContributor is much more than just the market leading online fundraising software solution. It is the most efficient way for organizations to raise the funds they need to accomplish their goals and objectives. And the organziations' mission statements can be as different and diverse as raising funds to conduct medical research, build a new clinic, influence the direction and outcome of legislation and regulations, or win an election for public office. Funds can be raised for less than 10 cents on the dollar using eContributor online fundraising software. A dramatic difference when compared to the 70 cents on the dollar cost of using phone solicitation, and 50 cents on the dollar cost of using direct mail."
About Votenet

Votenet Solutions, Inc. (<http://www.votenet.com/<;) develops, markets and supports a suite of solutions focused on the needs of the Public Policy, Political and Non-Profit community. The company is non-partisan and non-ideological, serving thousands of customers including:

?Trade Associations
?Advocacy Groups
?Lobbying Firms
?Global 2000 Companies
?Chambers of Commerce
?Faith-based Institutions
?Professional Societies
?Charitable Organizations
?Political Organizations
?Elected Officials
?Colleges and Universities

As the leading Internet Issue Advocacy solution, the Votenet Action Center provides:

?Capweb <http://www.votenet.com/products/capweb2.cfm<; - the web's first and best grassroots advocacy software.
?Policy Voice <http://www.votenet.com/products/policyvoice.cfm<;
- the leading Contact-Congress, phone-based (IVR) software.
?Votenet Voter Registration <http://www.votenet.com/products/voter-regis.cfm<TM - ensures your supporters are registered to vote.
?Votenet Web Hosting <http://www.votenet.com/products/hosting.cfm<; - solutions tailored to public policy, political and nonprofit organizations.
?Votenet Web Marketing <http://www.votenet.com/products/marketing.cfm<; - make sure the web is working for you - drive traffic to your site.
?Site Creator <http://www.votenet.com/campaigns/<; - customizable Candidate Web Sites.
?Votenet Voicecast <http://www.votenet.com/campaigns/<; - for Get Out The Vote (GOTV) initiatives and voter outreach.
?FECInfoPro <http://www.votenet.com/products/fecinfo.cfm<; - the leading campaign finance research tool on the Web.
?PACtracker <http://www.votenet.com/products/pactracker.cfm<; - a customizable service that tracks campaign funding by coalitions.

About eContributor

eContributor is the ultimate source for online fundraising and solicitation. Delivering a secure and creative ecommerce solution for those who take financial and grassroots development seriously, eContributor brings proven strategies and techniques for non-profit and political advocacy fundraising into the Internet environment. Through the development of powerful new online tools that organizations can directly integrate into their website, clients can acquire, retain and build long-term relationships with their donors. eContributor is the only system that is legally compliant in both the non-profit and political fundraising environments.

eContributor provides back-end fundraising solutions to clients ranging from large non-profits, educational institutions, presidential campaigns, national and state political parties, to local charities and congressional campaigns. The eContributor team consists of professionals in non-profit development, political finance, grassroots management, technology, legal compliance, direct marketing and the Internet. Founded in 1999, eContributor combines traditional fundraising and development methods with the rich media capabilities of the Internet.