Enron Mail

Subject:[smu-betas] Review of Dent's book on Amazon.com
Date:Wed, 29 Aug 2001 13:04:17 -0700 (PDT)

Customer Reviews
Avg. Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 starsWrite an online review and share =
your thoughts with other customers.=20
5 out of 5 stars A great book about a great team., August 27, 2001=20
Reviewer: A reader from Dallas, TX USA =20
Jim Dent's Junction Boys was one of the greatest sports books I ever read,=
so I couldn't wait for his next one. It's a different kind of story, but =
this book is wonderful too. Dent knows how to make his characters come ali=
ve, from the great coach, Bud Wilkinson, to all those great players, and t=
here were quite a few during the Streak. No, Wilkinson isn't portrayed as =
a saint here, because he wasn't--he was a human being, and that's how Dent=
shows him, warts and all. I'd rather read the truth, and if John Herman B=
ell says "this book is as true as true can be" (that's what he told the Da=
ily Oklahoman), that's good enough for me. The best part of the book is ge=
tting to know all those great players, and reading about all those great g=
ames they played--and there were some great games. Also, getting behind th=
e scenes is really cool, to see how the players and the coaches prepared (=
or didn't). There are a lot of funny stories, too. All in all, a great fol=
low-up to the great Junction Boys.=20
-----Original Message-----
From: Felix Zaremba & Co., Inc. [mailto:azaremba@fzci.net]
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 10:58 AM
To: smu-betas@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [smu-betas] Thank you for being great friends.
What do you mean that you'd rather be in OK than NY. Surely you jest. Than=
ks for the call while you were up here. By the way , I was busy that day -=
whenever it was. Say hello to the lovely Margaret.
It's great to here that James Harry Dent is doing so well. I'm going to ha=
ve to read these books of his.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: elvisthompson@aol.com =20
To: smu-betas@yahoogroups.com =20
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: [smu-betas] Thank you for being great friends.
Jim, sorry I missed the book signing, I had rather have been in OK than NY=
Good Job on the book Dent, snaps to you for ruffling some feathers. Fuck t=
OU admin., if you get any more flack, call me and I'll be glad to come up =
be your Huckleberry.=20
At Homecoming 2000, the BETA TENT had the biggest crowd by far. Stay conn=
ected and consider a future homecoming BETA reunion. It's incredible...fo=
rget the 20 years in between...everyone just seems to pick it up right whe=
re they left off years ago.
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service .=20
At Homecoming 2000, the BETA TENT had the biggest crowd by far. Stay con=
nected and consider a future homecoming BETA reunion. It's incredible...f=
orget the 20 years in between...everyone just seems to pick it up right wh=
ere they left off years ago.
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At Homecoming 2000, the BETA TENT had the biggest crowd by far. Stay conn=
ected and consider a future homecoming BETA reunion. It's incredible...for=
get the 20 years in between...everyone just seems to pick it up right where=
they left off years ago.
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