Enron Mail

Subject:h: Eyeforenergy Briefing
Date:Thu, 1 Nov 2001 09:33:08 -0800 (PST)


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Thursday, November 01, 2001 Issue 40 EDITORIAL In this edition... .=
..we take a closer look at the state of play in the green energy market, an=
d also at technologies, not planned or anticipated, but with us right now t=
hat can bring alternative energy strategies to fruition. There are just a=
few remaining places on the delegate register for the Eyeforenergy Green C=
onvention in Brussels next week, so if you are intending to go and haven't =
yet registered - please do so today! In 'Going Green: The Bottom Line', t=
he first of our two articles on green energy, Abyd Karmali, VP of ICF Consu=
lting, points to the increasing importance of emissions trading as a key en=
vironmental issue. We also examine the relative market share currently enj=
oyed (or lamented?) by the main renewable energy initiatives: wind, solar, =
biomass and fuel cells. Speakers are lining up rapidly for our three co-l=
ocated events in Amsterdam, 19-21 February 2002: Energy Trading Online, Wea=
ther Trading and Emissions Trading. Recently confirmed include Enron, LIFF=
E, TXU and NatSource. The programmes for all three are likely to be filled=
over the next couple of weeks, so if you are interested in speaking please=
contact Allison Robertshaw (arobertshaw@eyeforenergy.com ) for Energy and =
Weather Trading and Meabh Quoirin (mquoirin@eyeforenergy.com ) for Emission=
s Trading as soon as possible. I hope you enjoy this edition of the Eyefo=
renergy Briefing: your feedback, as always, is welcome and can be directed =
to bruno@eyeforenergy.com . --Sarah Robinson, Marketing & PR Director =
FOCUS Technology Driving Green Energy Recent events have served to hig=
hlight the need to reduce our dependence on Middle Eastern oil reserves and=
strengthen our resolve to bring alternative forms of energy into mainstrea=
m use. Most of the energy used today comes from fossil fuel, resulting in g=
reen house gas (GHG) emissions being released into the atmosphere at ever i=
ncreasing rates. Indeed, the environment is as much a player in developing=
the coming hydrogen economy as reducing our dependence on foreign oil rese=
rves. Carbon and sulphur dioxides are having a decided impact on our enviro=
nment, contributing to climate change and acid rain. As any school boy can =
attest, energy... Click here for Full Story INSIGHT Going Green: The=
Bottom Line Deregulation of the European gas and electric markets is a b=
lessing to some and a stone around the neck of others. With most of the Eur=
opean Union, particularly France, Italy, Greece and Portugal, dominated by =
tired old state monopolies, the opening of markets to competition is moving=
technology to the front burner as power companies jockey for position in t=
he race to keep pace with new opportunities. Green power initiatives move =
front and center, as concerns over the impact climate change will have on r=
ate structures when most EU markets become fully deregulated by 2005. Renew=
able, sustainable and alternative energy sources, once seen as marginal and=
advocated by tree huggers and back to nature... Click here for Full Story =
ADVERTISEMENT [IMAGE] Eyeforenergy Green Convention 2001 Hotel Le Pl=
aza, Brussels 5-6 November 2001 With just a few days to go, the Eyeforener=
gy team are looking forward to the Green Convention in Brussels. Andreas Wa=
gner, VP of the European Wind Energy Association and also of Enron Wind wil=
l open and chair the first day of the conference. He heads an all star cast=
of the leading figures in the renewable energy industry. The European Comm=
ission, BP, Nuon, Edison, RWE Power, Birka Energi, Scottish Power, Essent, =
the RECS Group, Erga, MVV Energie, Green electricity marketplace, CO2e.com,=
EcoSecurities, Natsource, Enron, The Italian Ministry of Environment, NDLB=
, the World Bank and ICF Consulting will all be sharing their expertise and=
showing you how you can profit from green energy. A very limited number =
of places are available. To register click here [IMAGE] Landmark Graphic=
s and Petroleum Place -- Accelerating Business Efficiency Landmark Graphic=
s and Petroleum Place Delivers Enormous Efficiencies within Acquisition and=
Divestiture. How? Through online delivery of data and evaluation tools wit=
hin an APS environment to afford dramatic efficiencies for both sellers and=
buyers. Visit www.petroleumplace.com [IMAGE] NEWS ROUND UP - WEEK IN R=
EVIEW SPL Build Further Market Dominance In Australia's Deregulating Util=
ities Sector Morristown, NJ. -- October 31st, 2001. SPL WorldGroup BV, t=
he leading provider of customer management solutions to the global energy, =
water and waste management industries, is set to expand its already dominan=
t position as the leading provider of billing and customer management solut=
ions in the Australian utilities marketplace with full retail contestabilit=
y imminent for the country's two most populous states. SPL client implemen=
tations currently support billing for approximately 2.5 million customers o=
ut of a potential market of eight million. By comparison, its nearest com=
petitor bills less than 1.4 million clients. Additionally, when the two la=
rgest states in terms of customer numbers, New South... Click here for Full=
Story Pantellos Named A Top Net Market by Aberdeen Press Release -- =
Source: Pantellos. In just a week after announcing that its live operations=
have exceeded $280 million in deal flow, Pantellos today announced that it=
was the only vertically- focused utility and energy services company highl=
ighted for its best practices as a ``Process Net'' by Aberdeen Group, a lea=
ding IT market analysis and positioning service firm. Aberdeen defines Pro=
cess Nets as entities that support business processes in a connected enviro=
nment such as a net market, an exchange, or a private trading network. ``=
From day one, Pantellos has dedicated significant resources to building a t=
rading community that would offer our members... Click here for Full Story =
Atlantic Renewable Boosts New York's Wind Power by 30MW October 31, 2=
001---Atlantic Renewable Resources Corp, of Richmond, Va., is teaming with =
M.A. Mortenson Construction of Minneapolis, to develop a 30 MW wind farm fo=
r CHI Energy near Fenner, N.Y. The facility will employ twenty 1.5MW Enron =
wind turbine/generator sets when completed in November of this year. Octob=
er 31, 2001---Atlantic Renewable Resources Corp, of Richmond, Va., is teami=
ng with M.A. Mortenson Construction of Minneapolis, to develop a 30 MW wind=
farm for CHI Energy near Fenner, N.Y. The facility will employ twenty 1.5M=
W Enron wind turbine/generator sets when completed in November of... Click =
here for Full Story UK Will Meet "Green" Targets Without Nuclear Power =
October 30, 2001---A recently released government backed report reached t=
he conclusion that ministers will meet ambitious targets to reduce greenhou=
se gas emissions without having to build any more nuclear power stations. =
The Carbon Trust, charged by the prime minister to persuade business to red=
uce carbon dioxide emissions, has told the government's energy review that =
the targets can be met if power is generated through other means such as hy=
drogen, wind and waves. Ian McAllister, who chairs the trust... Click her=
e for Full Story San Francisco Voters Asked to Approve Solar-Power Init=
iative October 30, 2001---When San Francisco voters enter the voting boot=
h on November 6 they will be asked to approve an initiative that offers to =
turn the foggy city on the bay into solar city USA. At first blush solar p=
ower in a city noted for its fog appears doubtful at best but supporters an=
d solar experts say the city's sunny, eastern side generates nearly as much=
solar energy as Sacramento, and that solar power is produced even in the f=
og. If Propositions B and H pass, the... Click here for Full Story Pe=
nnsylvania's Two Newest Wind Farms Begin Supplying Clean Energy October 2=
5, 2001---Pennsylvania has brought two new wind farms online tripling the a=
mount of wind-generated energy in the state and reducing carbon dioxide emi=
ssions in the process. The 24 megawatts of wind-produced electricity will =
supply enough power annually for more than 8,000 homes. The 16 new turbines=
in the southwest part of the state stand 125 feet tall and have three blad=
es. Three universities -- Carnegie Mellon, Penn State and the University =
of Pennsylvania... Click here for Full Story Latest News Now! [I=
MAGE] EDITORIAL [IMAGE] In this edition... ARTICLES [IMAGE] Technolo=
gy Driving Green Energy [IMAGE] Going Green: The Bottom Line NEWS ROUND =
UP [IMAGE] SPL Build Further Market Dominance In Australia's Deregulating U=
tilities Sector [IMAGE] Pantellos Named A Top Net Market by Aberdeen [IMA=
GE] Atlantic Renewable Boosts New York's Wind Power by 30MW [IMAGE] UK Wil=
l Meet "Green" Targets Without Nuclear Power [IMAGE] San Francisco Voters =
Asked to Approve Solar-Power Initiative [IMAGE] Pennsylvania's Two Newest =
Wind Farms Begin Supplying Clean Energy EVENTS [IMAGE] Green Conventio=
n 2001 [IMAGE] The Business of Fuel Cells for Stationary Applications =
[IMAGE] EEO Europe - Energy Trading in the New Economy [IMAGE] Emission=
s Trading 2002 [IMAGE] Weather Trading 2002 SUBSCRIBE Please ente=
r your email address below to subscribe to the EyeForEnergy newsletter. Tha=
nk you UNSUBSCRIBE To unsubscribe from the EyeForEnergy newsletter =
please enter your email below. Thank you If you have any comments abo=
ut this newsletter or you would like to suggest future topics or industry r=
elated news, please email bruno@eyeforenergy.com [IMAGE] =09