Enron Mail

To:tara.piazze@enron.com, matt.smith@enron.com
Subject:west pl daily morning report
Cc:chris.gaskill@enron.com, colin.tonks@enron.com, chris.hyde@enron.com,jennie.pai@enron.com, eddie.zhang@enron.com
Bcc:chris.gaskill@enron.com, colin.tonks@enron.com, chris.hyde@enron.com,jennie.pai@enron.com, eddie.zhang@enron.com
Date:Wed, 23 May 2001 06:17:02 -0700 (PDT)

Tara and Matt,

Following is list of error message for west pl 5/22/2001 - 5/23/2001 as of this morning --

Pipeline Name Msg_Received_DTM Msg_Desc Status
---------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------- -----------------------------------

Update on Northwest - Cycle 3, 7, 9 and Kern's all cycles ---

As of this morning, Northwest - Cycle 3, 7, 9 and Kern's all cycle (1 - 4) all ran successfully yesterday, they were down since Sunday (NW) and Monday(Kern). NW cycle 13, 6 ran as well. Therefore, all cycles'data of NW and Kern were captured for 5/2/2001. I just checked a minute ago, Kern and NW sites appear to be down again.
