Enron Mail

Subject:yo, asshole!
Date:Sat, 17 Nov 2001 06:25:26 -0800 (PST)

so-the cocky texans have convinced you to shed your
roots, and sever all connections with your past life,
eh? what gives, cheezy c?

how are things? busy as hell here. operating my ass
off, sleeping very little.

coming in for thanksgiving? would love to hang
out/catch up, hear about the cowboy cheeleaders down

all the best,

--- Matt.Smith@enron.com wrote:
< Hey, no need to get in a fit! I'm alive and well.
< Work is keeping me
< busy, but what else is new. My new group is
< extremely young, so I'm going
< out a bit with them. Love life non-existent, but
< again, what else is new.
< Hey, are you going to reunion? I kind of wanted to
< go, but it doesn't look
< like very many people are going. I definitely have
< to make arrangements
< soon if I am going. Anyway, how's everything with
< you? By the way, if you
< use Instant Messenger my ID is MathewSmith18.
< Later,
< Smith
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Andrew Brief <andybrief@yahoo.com<@ENRON
< Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2001 9:58 PM
< To: Smith, Matt
< Subject: Re: Hey
< hey asshole-
< are you still alive?
< --- Matt.Smith@enron.com wrote:
< <
< < Orangemen suck. I hate Syracuse. I'm no
< longer a
< < fan.
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< < Andrew Brief <andybrief@yahoo.com< on
< 03/19/2001
< < 10:29:53 AM
< <
< < To: Matt.Smith@enron.com
< < cc:
< <
< < Subject: Re: Hey
< <
< < how 'bout them orangmen? ugh.
< <
< < good to see you last week.
< <
< < brief
< < --- Matt.Smith@enron.com wrote:
< < <
< < < yo, i'm still coming. saturday would be
< great.
< < I'm
< < < in the city all day
< < < and night, and the only plans i have are to
< go to
< < < the game sat. I'll call
< < < you when i get a chance. My cell phone is
< < < 832-444-7702.
< < <
< < < Looking forward to seeing you.
< < <
< < < mat
< < <
< < <
< < <
< < <
< < <
< < < Andrew Brief <andybrief@yahoo.com< on
< 03/08/2001
< < < 08:12:46 AM
< < <
< < < To: Matt.Smith@enron.com
< < < cc:
< < <
< < < Subject: Re: Hey
< < <
< < <
< < < stud-
< < <
< < < when are you coming?
< < <
< < < sadly, i have abig work weekend, but we can
< < < maneuver
< < < around it. i am on call friday and sunday. am
< off
< < < all
< < < day saturday and would love to meet out
< saturday
< < < night
< < < (after your game--nig east tourney, i
< assume).
< < make
< < < sure to call me asap.
< < <
< < < 646-935-9340
< < <
< < < page 917-389-3882
< < <
< < < brief
< < < --- Matt.Smith@enron.com wrote:
< < < <
< < < < I should be good for a place to say, but I
< < < certainly
< < < < appreciate the offer.
< < < < I'm definitely still coming, though.
< < < < Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, tell
< < < < me when you're free, and we'll hang out.
< You
< < and
< < < < Jess up for dinner?
< < < < Right now, saturday night is the only night
< I
< < have
< < < < plans (basketball game).
< < < < I'll be going out afterwards, though. Just
< let
< < me
< < < < know.
< < < <
< < < < Later.
< < < <
< < < <
< < < <
< < <
< < <
< < <
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