Enron Mail

To:laurel.adams@enron.com, lane.alexander@enron.com, amelia.alland@enron.com,lauri.allen@enron.com, bridgette.anderson@enron.com, arfan.aziz@enron.com, cyndie.balfour-flanagan@enron.com, d..baughman@enron.com, bryce.baxter@enron.com, kimberlee.bennick@
Subject:Preliminary Name Change 05/15
Date:Wed, 16 May 2001 11:47:46 -0700 (PDT)

Listed below is the summary of changes for the preliminary name change report for May 2001. Due to its size, and with the migration to Outlook, I am unable to send the full report as an attachment. For details, go to O:\Global_Cntrprty\Name Change Notification Report. Click on Name Change Notification Report, then enable macros. If you are on the distribution, please submit an ERequest.

I apologize to anyone and everyone who got the Jan 01 report in error.

Short name changes will be coordinated with ERMS IT on Friday morning, May 18.

Records will be inactivated on 06/01/01.

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