Enron Mail

Subject:Enron Elves
Date:Thu, 29 Nov 2001 20:49:26 -0800 (PST)

In this incredibly difficult time, giving to others may seem implausible, if not impossible. It can, however, lighten our burden as we help others.

After much thought, we have decided to go forward with our Enron Elves Event. In partnership with the Salvation Army, we have adopted three underprivileged families. Enron Elves is an opportunity to provide gifts for children who would otherwise go without.

The official Enron Elves Tree has been erected and will soon be adorned with holiday gift tags. Each gift tag contains a gift idea for a child.

If you would like to participate in Enron Elves, here's what you do:
? Take a candy cane gift tag from the tree
? Sign your name to one side of the folded gift tag and place the signed tag in the box by the tree
? The other gift tag needs to come back attached to the wrapped gift
? Bring the wrapped gift and place it under the tree

All gifts need to be wrapped and under the tree by December 18. We will then hold a prize drawing, including Blazer Basketball tickets, for those employees who participated.

Thank you for considering those in need during this holiday season.

Enron Elves Team
Jessica Burry x3800
Kara Ausenhus x7927
Julie Kearney x7404