Enron Mail

Subject:The Prometheus File - Energy Technology Weekly 1/25/02
Date:Mon, 28 Jan 2002 16:29:54 -0800 (PST)

Hello Mike Swerzbin,

In this issue:
Feature: Is The Wind Still Blowing? Earnings summaries of companies from across RWR's Energy Index. All the news, commentary, and earnings reports, plus price performance and valuation charts.

Best regards,
Cary, Peter and the Team

What you need to know today

This edition includes:
In this issue:
Feature: Is The Wind Still Blowing? Earnings summaries of companies from across RWR's Energy Index. All the news, commentary, and earnings reports, plus price performance and valuation charts.

Download this report from the <a href='http://www.reedwasden.com/members/download.asp?ID=110&;email=mike.swerzbin@enron.com'<Reed Wasden website</a<. If a link does not appear above please goto http://www.reedwasden.com/members/download.asp?ID=110&;email=mike.swerzbin@enron.com to download the report.

Thank you,
The Weekly Team

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