Enron Mail

To:kristina.mordaunt@enron.com, vicki.sharp@enron.com, rob.walls@enron.com
Subject:EnronOnline Credit Derivatives - Reference Entities
Date:Thu, 17 Feb 2000 08:36:00 -0800 (PST)

Enron North America and Enron Europe will offer credit derivatives through=
the EnronOnline website in the near future. These products will provide fo=
regularly scheduled payments by the purchaser and a payment by the seller i=
the event of the bankruptcy of a specified =01&Reference Entity.=018 =20

For a number of reasons, including those identified below, Enron maintains =
=01&Restricted List=018 in connection with its credit derivatives business,=
will list those entities that may not be included in the list of Reference=
Entities or that have been deleted from the list of Reference Entities. Th=
list is designed to comply with legal requirements, to deal with potential=
conflicts of interest that might result because of our diverse activities,=
and to prevent the appearance of impropriety in connection with Enron=01,s=
credit derivatives trading activities. The credit derivatives Restricted=
List is designed for other purposes as well. For example, a company may be=
placed on the Restricted List if Enron is not able to assume any further=20
credit exposure to that company or believes that market conditions do not=
warrant the trading of Credit Derivatives on such Reference Entity.

A company ordinarily will be placed on the credit derivatives Restricted=20
List, either before or after it has become a Reference Entity on which cred=
derivatives are traded, in the following circumstances:

when Enron is actively engaged in effecting a material transaction with=20
respect to such company that has not been publicly announced;

when Enron has an applicable standstill agreement or other confidentiality=
agreement in place with such company;

when Enron has a legal duty to keep such company's information confidential=
and such company has not expressly consented to being a Reference Entity fo=
purposes of the trading of credit derivatives (such a legal duty may be a=
fiduciary duty but may not rise to that level);

when some part of Enron acquires material, nonpublic information about a=20
company or its securities in the course of its business activities;

when Enron has reached or exceeded its credit limits with respect to such=

The purpose of this memorandum is to alert you to this new business and to=
request your assistance in evaluating proposed Reference Entities prior to=
the trading of credit derivatives based on such companies. Below is a list=
of proposed Reference Entities. Please take a few minutes to look at this=
list and then let me know if you are aware of any reason such companies=20
should placed on the credit derivatives Restricted List. If you have any=
questions, please contact me at (713)853-7459 or Paul Simons in the London=
office at 44-20-7783-6566.

Cinergy Corp.
Duke Energy Corporation
Dynegy Inc.=20
El Paso Energy Corporation
PG & E Corporation
Southern Company Inc, The

Lucent Technology
Qwest Communications