Enron Mail

Subject:Enron-Wide Global Counterparty Implementation - Code of Conduct
Date:Mon, 14 Dec 1998 08:54:00 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: Mark - ECT Legal Taylor
X-To: Alan B Aronowitz
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Are you still the code of conduct person? If not, let me know & I'll keep

---------------------- Forwarded by Mark - ECT Legal Taylor/HOU/ECT on
12/14/98 04:53 PM ---------------------------

Mary Solmonson
12/14/98 10:38 AM
To: Christian Yoder/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES, Sheila
Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey T Hodge/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark - ECT Legal
cc: Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheila Glover/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Enron-Wide Global Counterparty Implementation - Code of Conduct
Guidance/Approval Requested

We have been asked to implement the Global Counterparty (GCP) system at
Portland General and EES to support Global Credit Aggregation with our major
trading partners. This information includes Counterparty Name, various
Address data such as documentation (confirmation), headquarters, and
settlement (including wire bank, ABA, and routing), and various contact names
and phone numbers such as trader, settlements, etc.

For Global Credit Aggregation to be supported most efficiently, all Enron
companies must utilize a common identifier for the counterparty on a trade,
i.e., Southern Energy Marketing for Portland = Southern Energy Marketing for
ECT = Southern Energy Marketing for EES = Southern Energy Marketing for
EPMI. Global Credit must 'see' exposure from each affiliate for a
counterparty as the same party to aggregate to a corporate level.

For Portland General, the list of trading partners are mostly parties we
already have in the GCP database. However, there will be some counterparties
that are specific to Portland General (the same could also be true about
EES). For that reason, I would like to train specific individuals at each
company to perform the GCP administration/maintenance for their
counterparties much like we handle the ECT London and Calgary operations.
What we will have is a system shared as depicted below :

There would be select individuals at each company to maintain their
counterparty information via Terminal Server in a common database maintained
here in Houston by ECT IT. This type of access would give these individuals
access to Counterparty data for all companies regardless of their own company
affiliation. Each company/business unit will have an extract or view from the
main database of only their counterparties to support their trading and
downstream systems versus those systems being integrated directly with the
main database containing all information.

What I need to know is whether any of you see a problem with this 'sharing'
of technology and data between ECT and PGE or EES and the intended
implementation. Based on Bill Dassenko's understanding of the FERC Code of
Conduct, we think this proposal is within the guidelines. Please provide any
comments or your acceptance of this proposal by Monday, December 21st.

Thank you.

---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Solmonson/HOU/ECT on 12/14/98 08:43
AM ---------------------------

Debbie R Brackett
12/11/98 04:48 PM
To: Mary Solmonson/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Counter Party Name List


This is the list we talked about. Reviewing it briefly, I only see a few that
we don't already have in GCP. In discussing this with Bill (Dassenko), he
sees no reason under the FERC code of conduct that we cannot see ( or share)
public information about shared counterparties such as would be populated in
GCP. He is prohibited from sharing specific deal info or exposures, neither
of which would be an issue in GCP. Hope this helps...I'll be back in on
Tuesday and we can talk more if you need to.

---------------------- Forwarded by Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT on 12/11/98
04:41 PM ---------------------------
From: HQ3.EM5:Bill Dassenko AT PORTLAND_PO@CCMAIL on 12/11/98 03:58 PM
To: Debbie R Brackett@ECT
Subject: Counter Party Name List

Date: 12/11/1998 03:58 pm (Friday)
From: Bill Dassenko
To: Brackett, Debbie R
Subject: Counter Party Name List

Attached is a file containing PGE's list of counterparties. There are a few
financial counterparties which I have not yet included on this list. All
names on the list are wholesale counterparties with which PGE trades power or
gas or are wholesale customers. There are no retail customers on this list.

In general, under the FERC "Code of Conduct" rules established for working
with affiliated companies, the unregulated entity (ECT, EPMI) can tell all to
the regulated entity, but the regulated entity (PGE) can share in only the
most general of terms. Further, PGE conversations can not convey any
information which is otherwise not public about PGE's markets or customers.
Although the question is a good, I believe I have more to worry about when
talking to you than what you do when talking to me. Given that I have
included as complete a list as I have.

Christian Yoder is the ECT lawyer who is tasked with code of conduct
issues for ECT. His phone number is 503-464-7845.
- List.xls