Enron Mail

Subject:Hi Greg!
Date:Fri, 15 Oct 1999 06:39:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT on 10/15/99 01:38 PM

From: Mark Taylor 10/15/99 12:48 PM

To: gpier@doubleclick.net<
Subject: Hi Greg!

We are getting very excited about the BVI. It's hard to believe it's only 5
weeks away. I try to think about it whenever the stock market gets me
depressed (which is happening with altogether too much frequency these
days). I see you guys got hit with a triple whammy today. Oh well, can you
say "buying opportunity"?

I'm coming to NYC for a conference in a couple of weeks - any chance you guys
are free for dinner on Sunday the 31st? We also need to talk about $
sometime soon since I made the final payment on the boat a couple of weeks
ago. Have you made your hotel arrangements (we still have a room reserved
for you for the night of the 20th which you won't need if you've made other
arrangements - and we can always get you a room there for the last night if
you want)? And there's still the beverage list (you did get my fax, didn't

T. sends regards. Hope you're well and not letting the market roller-coaster
get you down (my mantra is "think long term, think long term, think long
