Enron Mail

Subject:Re: EOL Survey
Date:Tue, 13 Jun 2000 03:56:00 -0700 (PDT)

Sorry about the delay. Here are my responses:
1. Yes, this is primarily a tax issue. However, there are some countries
with strange laws regarding internet usage and we have covered some of those
issues with specific PA provisions for those countries.

2. No. Only one user from each counterparty has to accept the GTC and that
only the first time they trade that product. The GTC's are arranged by
"Product Type" so you only have to agree to it once for that type -
regardless of how many products there are - so for example you only agree to
the financial derivatives GTC once no matter how many different types of
swaps and options you subsequently trade.

3. No. But if that would be helpful it can be arranged.

4. This one doesn't make much sense to me. EnronOnline itself doesn't make
any money. There is no advertizing, and EnronOnline doesn't trade - the
trades are all done by the various Enron trading entities. EnronOnline is
actually providing them a service.

5. I really have no idea. I guess we would have to print out the records
and have one of the IT people testify that they had not been modified.

6. So far we haven't deleted anything. If we need to keep the records for a
long time we probably can but this has not been discussed.

06/08/2000 11:36 AM

To: Mark Taylor@ECT
Subject: EOL Survey

Two of the internet attorneys at Marval came over today to look at the system
online. They posed the following questions that I did not know the answer
to. Can you help me out on getting them a response today if possible?

1. They would like to know the intent behind the sentence in Section (2) of
the password application that prohibits the user form using the password
outside their country. I told them it was probably a tax driven issue but
was not sure.

2. They need to know if the user must scroll through and agree to the GTC
each time they transact a trade. I believe each product is represented by a
separate line on the page and that each product has its own GTC even thought
several related products will probably have identical GTCs. I told them I
thought that for each product that you only had to select it once, but that
for each product, even if the GTC is the same as another produce you have
reviewed, you must accept the GTC again. Is this correct?

3. Are the Enron trading entities signing service agreements with EOL for
use of the system?

4. They wanted to know if the trading entities providing the prices etc. for
each product could be considered "content" for EOL and be considered value
for which EOL should pay the trading entities. I haven't heard of this issue
before but I said I would ask.

5. As a proof issue, what would be the process of proving and electronic
trade? How can we show we have not modified the screens or manipulated the
data. How would the data be presented to a court?

6. How long are the electronic trades retained in our systems and how are
they retained?

Any help you can give me would be appreciated.
