Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Master Agreement Structural Issues Working Group - Minutes
Date:Tue, 3 Aug 1999 10:23:00 -0700 (PDT)

Sorry about all these - it looks like people who don't know my address are
just guessing and they get you instead. I'd appreciate it if you could
forward them on to me when they come to you - I'll let the sendersknow the
correct address as I get them and hopefully that should cut down the number
going forward.


From: Mitch Taylor AT ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@CCMAIL on 08/03/99 10:50 PM
To: Mark - ECT Legal Taylor@ECT
Subject: Master Agreement Structural Issues Working Group - Minutes

Do I need to continue to forward these to you, or are you already receiving

---------------------- Forwarded by Mitch Taylor/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on
08/03/99 03:50 PM ---------------------------

Corrinne Greasley <CGREASLEY@isda.org< on 08/03/99 03:52:42 PM

To: "'gabriel@ms.com'" <gabriel@ms.com<, "'fcaputo@bci.it'"
<fcaputo@bci.it<, "'Joseph.Carrico@ib.bankgesellschaft.de'"
<Joseph.Carrico@ib.bankgesellschaft.de<, "'Ernst.Decker@BHF-BANK.com'"
<Ernst.Decker@BHF-BANK.com<, "'beat.gabanthuler@zkb.com'"
<beat.gabanthuler@zkb.com<, "'harvey@sbcm.com'" <harvey@sbcm.com<,
"'lewis_david@jpmorgan.com'" <lewis_david@jpmorgan.com<,
"'fnolan@lehman.com'" <fnolan@lehman.com<, "'charles.ross-stewart@wdr.com'"
<charles.ross-stewart@wdr.com<, "'mtaylor@ect.enron.com'"
<mtaylor@ect.enron.com<, "'ravi.tennekoon@uk.abnamro.com'"
<ravi.tennekoon@uk.abnamro.com<, "'david.wysoki@barcap.com'"
<david.wysoki@barcap.com<, David Benton <bentond@allenovery.com<, Jeff Golden
"'tredgetd@allenovery.com'" <tredgetd@allenovery.com<
cc: Robert Pickel <RPICKEL@isda.org<, Susan Hinko <SHINKO@isda.org<, Alex
Hunt <AHUNT@isda.org<, Barbara Hanlon <BHANLON@isda.org< (bcc: Mitch

Subject: Master Agreement Structural Issues Working Group - Minutes

Master Agreement Structural Issues Working Group Members:

Attached please find the minutes from the Master Agreement Structural Issues
Working Group meeting which was held on July 20th. Also attached is a file
(mastlist.doc) which contains a list of participants in this working group
and a list of all the participants involved in the four working groups of the
Strategic Documentation Review Project.

The next meeting will be held on August 12, 1999 at 9:30 am New York time
(2:30pm London time). Please contact Barbara Hanlon on 212 332 1200 or by
e-mail at bhanlon@isda.org, to confirm your availability to attend.

Best regards,
Bob Pickel

<<July 20th Meeting Minutes.doc<< <<mastlist.doc<<

- July 20th Meeting Minutes.doc - mastlist.doc