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I agree completely, have talked to the Mayors Office - Citizens' Assistance
Office, the Traffic & Transportation Dept. (who gave me Ms. Dorsey's name) and have written to Ms. Dorsey. I suggest you also complain to our City Council member and the other at-large members. Since Dorsey is the Bikeway Coordinator, she won't have much incentive to do away with a designated bikeway but Council members want our votes: GABRIEL VASQUEZ gvasquez@cnl.ci.houston.tx.us - I think he represents the Heights ANNISE D. PARKER aparker@cnl.ci.houston.tx.us - I think Gordon has already written to her GORDON QUAN gquan@cnl.ci.houston.tx.us ORLANDO SANCHEZ osanchez@cnl.ci.houston.tx.us CHRIS BELL cbell@cnl.ci.houston.tx.us CARROLL G. ROBINSON crobinso@cnl.ci.houston.tx.us The last 5 are "at-large" members of the council. I got all of these from the City web site so I can't be sure it's a current list. Another argument for two lanes on Heights is that with only one lane, some percentage of traffic will divert itself to side streets making them less safe for residents there. And p.s. the argument that this lane is designed for use by bicycle commuters is particularly empty since the lane doesn't go anywhere - there's no connecting route at either end that I am aware of - do they expect all these hypothetical bicycle commuters to get on I 10?